
Showing posts from February, 2019

Faces of Auschwitz - Witold Pilecki

The Children of Nazi's

How Are Juveniles Treated in the Prison System?

The Rape of Nanking - The Forgotten Holocaust

The Night of Long Knives

El Chapo Sentenced to Life in Prison

What Was Schindler's Role during the Holocaust?

The Real Oskar Schindler

Identity Politics

Witold Pilecki

Significance of Wayfair vs South Dakota

Defense Mechanisms

Why did the Nazis kill the children?

Josef Mengele

Limits of the First Amendment: Commonwealth v. Carter

Who Was Rudolf Hoess?

Brown Eyes and Blue Eyes Racist Experiment

Female Guards at Nazi Concentration Camps

Latin America in the Second World War

Europe Post World War II

Holocaust Deniers

Nazi Resistance

The Lódz ghetto