Happy Hippie Foundation
In 2015 Miley Cyrus started the Happy Hippie Foundation. This foundation helps fight for justice for members of the LGBTQ community. They've spent a lot of time letting it be known that a large portion of homeless youth are a part of the LQBTQ community. It is easy to believe this when you think of this scenario: a child comes out to their parents and their parents either kick them out right away, or tells them to change. The child then becomes homeless.
In 2014, Miley Cyrus got a VMA award. Instead of her accepting it, she invited Jesse Helt to accept the award. There, he spoke about the nearly 1.6 million run away kids who were LQBTQ and couldn't be themselves at home. Helt then sold the award on E-Bay and got $15,000 dollars to go to homeless youth.
Anyways, what I think is cool is that Miley Cyrus is using her clout to attract awareness to a super undercover cause. I feel like a lot of celebrties are doing this these days, but Miley is marketing it really well. They have super cute apparel on the charity organization's website and they are really attracting people from my generation towards helping out.
Anyways, what I think is cool is that Miley Cyrus is using her clout to attract awareness to a super undercover cause. I feel like a lot of celebrties are doing this these days, but Miley is marketing it really well. They have super cute apparel on the charity organization's website and they are really attracting people from my generation towards helping out.
Great blog post here and I am happy she started such a great foundation and is helping out a bunch of kids all over the world. More celebrities need to come forward and help the people who need it the most.