Heroes of the New Zealend Shooting

Upon learning about Genocide in great detail, I have learned a lot about tragedy and the evil in the world. At the same time, it is clear that these horrible moments in time, can spur on some of the most heroic actions. The Holocaust springs to mind, where Oskar Schindler saved the lives of many with his Munitions Factory. Lesser-known is Sir Nicholas Winton, who saved the lives of 669 Jewish children by providing them Refuge.

This week, as you may have heard there was a shooting in New Zealand, where mosques were targeted, and upwards of fifty people were killed. Instead of focusing on the tragedy itself, I wanted to look at the heroes that came out of it.

Jill Keats was on her way to lunch, when she heard noises that she presumed to be firecrackers. She soon realized what was going on and ducked down to avoid the shots. She noticed there was a man next door who had been shot in the back, she immediately pulled him over given protection. She attended to his wounds and kept the victim in High Spirits, assuring him that he see his wife again. Upon being labeled a hero,  Jill said, “You just do what you do at the time. I wish I could’ve done more. I’m 66 – I never thought in my life I would see something like this. Not in New Zealand.” Jill was willing to put her life on the line in order to save a complete stranger.

Speaking of putting their life on the line, Abdul Aziz, was credited with saving the lives of many. When the shooter arrived at  Linwood Mosque and began shooting, Abdul Aziz  attempted to a gain his attention and draw him away from the others. Aziz then picked up a credit card machine and hurled it at the shooter. When the shooter was distracted, Aziz picked up a spare gun from the ground. Without any any ammunition, he launched the gun at the window of the car like an arrow, blasting his window. Shocked, the shooter drove and was later apprehended by police.

Both Jill and Abdul demonstrated heroic actions that saved lives. It's just a shame that these moments have to come out of tragedy.


  1. This post is so informative! I didn't know that Jill or Abdul even existed, nor did I know that they were heroes in this great tragedy. Personally, I think that it is super important to always do the right thing, no matter the situation. These two people knew that, and saved people who were being shot at. It is so amazing that no matter how depressing an event is, there seem to always be people who are making a positive impact on others through helping them to safety.

  2. Great post Kabir! Even though this was a huge tragedy it was still kind of nice to hear that in such a dark moment there were still good people that were able to save at least the lives of one person. During the Christchurch shootings 50 people were tragically shot down by a shooter who still won't be named because while it is known he is a 28-year-old Australian citizen. While it is known who the shooter is he wants notoriety — and the prime minister is denying him that by not announcing his name.

  3. Despite this tragedy, It was nice to hear that these two people were brave enough to be able to do something about it because in the past shooting here in the US you don't really hear about other people involved in the shooting stand up for each other. These two people saved lives that day and I respect them for doing something because I cannot even imagine how hard it must have been to stand up to a shooter like in Aziz's case.

  4. This was a really heartwarming post Kabir! Hearing about Jill and Abdul's stories remind me of what happened at the Waffle House shooting last year. In April of last year, when a shooter attacked a Waffle House in Nashville, Tennessee, James Shaw Jr - one of the diners there at the time, hid in the bathroom and ambushed the shooter, risking his life to wrestle the gun away, causing the shooter to flee and saving the lives of everyone else at the Waffle House. Like Jill, he did not consider herself a hero, despite saving the lives of so many people. I thin that, in with the way things currently are, stories of heroes like James and Jill are more important than ever to remind us about the good that people can do.

  5. Which car did Adbul aim the emtpy gun at? was it the suspects getaway car?


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