Why do people like Conspiracies?

Benghazi was an inside job by Hillary Clinton because one of the ambassadors had dirt on her. 9/11 was done by Bush to have a reason to go to war in Iraq. The NBA rigged game 6 of the 2016 finals to make more money by having a game 7. Conspiracy theories are out there, most of them are not true. Most conspiracy theories have absolutely no evidence. But the thing with conspiracies is that some of them turn out to be true later like the Fake Vaccine program used by the CIA in order to catch Bin Laden or the Iran Contra scandal. Point being, we are all laughing at these conspiracies but one day we will find one of them to be true, we should just keep an open mind about them. Despite this, I think that most conspiracies are far out left field and only said to promote or prove a point by using propaganda. For example, the conspiracy of the acronym PEPSI, Pay every pence(penny) to support Israel. These conspiracies are just used to promote Anti Semitism. Also, the Protocols of Zion are obviously a proven conspiracy, it was proven to be written from a Russian national named Matvei Golovski. So therefore this is not the true intentions of the Jewish community, to "take over the world". The protocols are not real, despite the fact that it was used to promote anti semitism. 
For the most part conspiracy theories are proven true by not being proven false. Which is wrong it should be incorrect until it is proven correct. Just like anything else. It should be called a conspiracy myth and not a conspiracy theory until a theory gets a substansial backing the evidence. 


  1. I agree too, there has always been many conspiracy theories and although some may turn out to be false some later come out to be true. For example there is the conspiracy theory that the government is watching us from out phone cameras, and/or from our laptop camera. Many seem to believe it but so far there isn't evidence that it's true. There is also this iphone conspiracy theory about iphones and how supposedly everything we say is recorded.


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