Who Were the Nazis?

The Nazis, or members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, were the perpetrators of the Holocaust. Run by Hitler, the Nazis terrorized communities in different countries in Europe, especially those who opposed them. The Nazis were also the people who were in charge of the death/concentration camps, like Auschwitz. Located in Poland, Auschwitz was a death camp used by the Nazis to exterminate the Jews. They used several tactics, like forcing Russian prisoners of war to dig their own graves, to make the Jews as well as political prisoners feel like they were less than human. When it came time for them to use gassing to kill the Jews, they first started by putting them in a shower room, and attaching a pipe with carbon monoxide going into the room, so that the prisoners would breathe it in and then die. They then upgraded to killing the Jews using gas chambers. Overall, the Nazis were definitely not people whom I would consider to be admirable, because of the ways they acted and how intolerant they were.


  1. I wanted to know some of the most famous Nazi's and what exactly their crimes were and I found that the following were some of the most famous. Heinrich Himmler who was Commander of the Gestapo, Minister of the Interior, Commander of the Home Army, and supreme leader of the administration of the entire Third Reich. Hermann Göring, Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe (German Air Force), founder of the Gestapo in 1933 , and in 1941, designated by Hitler as his successor and deputy in all his offices. Lasly I found Joseph Goebells, who was in charge of the Propaganda for Nazi Germany, with control over all news media, arts and public information in Germany, who delivered emotionally charged speeches to mobilize and motivate the German people.


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