teen parenting issue

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There's so much hate in the world already so why really hate on teen parents. In the early 19 hundreds, a lot of young adults had to do have kids at a young age. Many would have them to help make money or for work purposes. So why would it be as a big deal now?  Young teen parents either have gave consent or were sexually assault. People are so quick to judge on teens who have babies but people really don't know the story behind to why they have a baby. Soc  today is so quick to judge everyone that they don't take the time to actually to to know someone before judging them. Teen or single parents have already so much going on in their life that they really don't want to deal with people judgmental comments. They have to worry bout school, how to financially support their family, and even overthinking on how they're going to push themselves to have a plain for the future. According to an article done by Hannah Orenstein called 11 Things No One Tells You About Being a Teen Mom describes different mini stories of various teen parents and their experiences. One story comes from a girl named Brooke. She stated that "I was 19 when my daughter was born. The one thing I wish I had known about being a teen mom is how much my life would change. Being a mother changes your life anyways — being young is just a bit more stressful because you haven't experienced much of life yourself. It's all a learning experience. I love it. I don't mind that I can't go out all the time and party like my friends my age do. But I do miss being able to just get up and go wherever I needed to. I can't do that anymore. I have a human to look after other than myself. You truly do give up your needs — not completely, but they're not in first place anymore!." What this mini story can teach us is that if you see a teen parent, just think about how much they have to sacrifice  in order to support their families.  Beside who says that being a teen parent is all that bad. There's a person i know who is a teen parent and I asked them what they've gained from being a teen parent. What they had to say was" Yes it's been hard dealing with hate on my child but that's only made me want to protect them more. Others see me as a slut, but being a young parent is the best thing to happen to me. I'm more mature then other people and even adults so it's taught me how to be responsible for not only myself but for someone else's life". In conclusion, young teen parents are the most hard working and mature people that can prove to haters how they can keep going on with their life despite obstacles.


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