Ray Lewis Case
Ray Lewis was a very famous football player who played many season for the Baltimore Ravens where he accumulated championships and awards for his outstanding playing career. The great playing career he had even carried over when he was arrested for murder and aggravated assault charges. Following a super bowl party one year he got into a fight with a couple of other guys and ended up stabbing and killing the three men. blood from the men was found in ray lewis limousine and there was other evidence pointing towards him and his crew. Ray got the charges to be lessened if he was to testify against the other guys involved in the stabbing and he got off on misdemeanor in obstruction of justice. He got probation and multiple fines from the league saying that this behavior is unacceptable and puts the NFL in a bad image.
His reputation was hurt because of all the drama involved in the case. Not a lot of NFL players have been accused of such horrid crimes and ray lewis is one of the guys who beat a murder charge in the NFL. OJ simpson beat his case a while back and this is one of the few to happen since then involving a NFL player and murder. Overall, ray is still seen as a stand up guy and an all time great linebacker where as OJ was not.
His reputation was hurt because of all the drama involved in the case. Not a lot of NFL players have been accused of such horrid crimes and ray lewis is one of the guys who beat a murder charge in the NFL. OJ simpson beat his case a while back and this is one of the few to happen since then involving a NFL player and murder. Overall, ray is still seen as a stand up guy and an all time great linebacker where as OJ was not.

There have been recent arguments about whether Ray Lewis should be looked up to as a role model or not because of the suspicions that Lewis did in fact do those crimes. I think that Lewis should be a role model to kids regardless if he committed the crimes because he is still a magnificent athlete, a genuine person, and a great father. Lewis came from nothing and is arguably the best linebacker to have played the game. He shows kids that you don't have to be anybody special, you do not have to been into it, as long as you are determined and you put in the work, you can get to the top.