Audrie and daisy -should they be blamed for what happend?
Many may say that "well it's their fault", "They wanted it", or even"they're just faking it for attention". All these hatered phrases are repeated over and over to rape victims. Rape is something more serious then others think. The effects of the tramadic event affect girls and even boys mentally and physically. Some affects include depression, suicidal thoughts, consist flashbacks, and even PTSD. For those who lose their lives to rape, hated is something everyone needs to stop blaming the victims and start blaming the people responsible for the crime. The real question do be determine here is who should really be the ones to get all the blame: the victims or the perpetrator? In the case of Audrie Pott, she was just a 15 year old girl who had her whole life ahead of her, but sadly she had to end it all due to all the hate she received. She shouldn't have had to go through at that pain from everyone who teased that it was her fault. The girls who are rapped should never have to be bullied for what they went through. That's the problem with today's society. Society has placed many labels and stereotypes on everyone and those labels took the life of an Innocent young lady. Why should girls be seen as less then someone else? Why can't we all just be equal? Just because a girl was raped and never gave consent, doesn't give anyone the right to overpower and violate them. Another example why the perpetrators should be blame is they're the ones who are stupid enough to actually commit the crime. They're aware of the actions they're about to commit, except they still do it. This can be demonstrated in the case of Daisy Coleman. Coleman wa just 14 years old when she was sexually assulted by her brothers best friend. In the documentary, it even stated that the friend knew about his surroundings but still continued to assault daisy and her friend. The idea that girls have to stay quiet about their experience shouldn't have to be the case. This is why so many perpetrator don't get arrested. So many victims are afraid to speak up because they either are scared of the consequences, being threatened, or are to traumatized to talk about it. There needs to be more awareness about about drinking, cyber bullying and consent in order to for victims to be able to speak up without have all those labels being placed on them.
Victims need to stop "wanting attention" when sexual assault is a serious topic.

Victims need to stop "wanting attention" when sexual assault is a serious topic.
I without a doubt think that the perpetrators should be the ones to blame in respect to rape cases. There is absolutely no excuse for rape, and the fact that society tries to find ways to blame the victim is extremely disappointing. In the case of Audrie and Daisy, they happened to be intoxicated, so they were therefore unable to give consent even if they wanted to. In these cases, there is simply no valid argument to which either one of those girls could be to blame. Unfortunately, cases like these happen all over the world, and many stories go untold. Blaming the victim encourages more psychological trauma to be put on top of what they are most likely already feeling from the event, so how can someone possibly think that blaming the victim is the right thing to do? I hope in the future society eventually realizes this, so that appropriate justice can be served, and so victims don't experience additional trauma.