Should you be allowed to bail someone out of prison?

     With people getting convicted of certain crimes, it is likely that  not all of them are guilty. Then the question comes up if you should be able to bail someone out of prison, especially if they are likely not guilty but got imprisoned anyway. I think that you should only bail someone out of prison if they have not done a crime extremely serious such as murder. If you bail someone shortly after they are imprisoned for murder, they might still have a motive to do something related and it would not be safe for the public. But if someone was taken into jail for something such as selling illegal drugs, I think that they should be able to be bailed out of jail because selling drugs does not necessarily mean that they had an intention to kill or hurt someone.

If someone does get bailed out of prison, I think that they should be carefully monitored. Just because the crime isn't as serious does not mean that they should be let free. I think they should have ankle monitors and certain limits and curfews for the first year or so. I also think that therapy should be available to the prisoners after being released.

     Overall, There should be a bail available for everyone who has been imprisoned. Because some people have convicted a serious crime compared to others however, they should all be monitored at least for the first few years to make sure they do not have any more bad intentions. I think that the families of the prisoners would be happy, especially if they think that they did not do anything wrong. In the documentaries watched in class, it seemed that most of the families were close together. If the prisoners spend more time with their family, I think that it would be more effective than locking them up in a jail cell without much social interaction. Because talking to others about your problem usually helps with your issues, it could help the prisoners open up to their family about how they feel inside which would make them learn their lesson. I think that making these changes could allow prisoners to feel more freedom if the crime they have convicted is not as serious. However, if they have committed something such as murder, then they should not be able to be bailed as easily compared to a drug dealer.


  1. i agree with you that when bailing out someone out of prison, they should still be carefully monitered just because you never know what their intentions are after they bail out.

  2. I also agree with you, that people should only be bailed out of jail if they haven't committed a heinous crime. However, I also believe that everyone should be given a second chance. The tough thing is that prison makes it really hard for people to change and become better because of the extremely hostile environment. I watched a Frontline documentary a few months ago, that talked about how the solution to pretty much every bad thing people do is to lock them up in prison. I think that the fundamental question we must ask ourselves is, is this really the best answer? If it is not, can we reexamine the problems and try to find a different solution? At some point, we need to do what's right as opposed to what's easy when solving problems. Locking people up as a solution to everything doesn't really seem right, but it sure does seem easy.


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